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European Bureau for Research on Industrial Transformation and Emissions

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals

Drawing up started

The drawing up of this BREF under the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) will concern activities of the large volume inorganic chemical industry.

The precise scope of the LVIC BREF (e.g. in terms of chemical sub-sectors/products/processes to be covered) has not yet been defined. However, the BREF is meant to address key environmental issues associated with, in particular, the range of activities so far referred to in the reference documents on:

To this end, the draw up of the LVIC BREF will involve:

  • agreeing on scope, activities, and key environmental issues to be covered;
  • collecting comprehensive and representative information and data on processes in the large volume inorganic chemical industry;
  • a thorough analysis of the information and data collected;
  • the definition of generic BAT and BAT-associated environmental performance levels (including BAT-associated emission levels) for the large volume inorganic chemical industry.


Report of the LVIC Kick-off meeting (January 2023)