Save the date – INCITE’s launch event
The launch of INCITE will take place in Seville, Spain, on 21 June 2024. It will be interactive and inclusive, with in-person participation and the option to follow via web streaming. More information to follow, stay tuned!
BREF news
The final draft of the revised BREF on Smitheries and Foundries (SF BREF) has been issued. The deadline to receive the IED Article 13 Forum comments is the 12 April 2024.
BREF news
The Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2749 establishing the BAT conclusions for the slaughterhouses, animal by-products and/or edible co-products industries has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (Decision and corrigendum).
IED News
The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Article 75 Committee gave a positive opinion on the draft Commission Implementing Decision establishing the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions for the Slaughterhouses, Animal By-products and/or Edible Co-products Industries. The vote took place through a written procedure, launched after the hybrid meeting of the IED Article 75 Committee on 21 September.
BREF news
The first draft of the revised BREF for the Ceramic Manufacturing Industry (CER) has been issued for comments. Deadline to provide comments 31 October 2023.
BREF news
The Final Meeting for the review of the best available techniques reference document for the Smitheries and Foundries Industry (SF BREF) took place as a hybrid meeting between 26 and 30 June 2023.
IED news
The eighteenth meeting of the IED Article 13 forum took place on 22 May 2023. The forum expressed its opinion on the best available techniques reference documents for the Slaughterhouses, Animal By-products and/or Edible Co-products industries (SA BREF).
BREF news
The final draft of the revised BREF on Slaughterhouses and Animals By-products Industries (SA) has been issued on 23 March 2023. The deadline to receive the IED Article 13 Forum comments is the 11 May 2023.